let list = "blue" :: "red" :: "green"Like most programmers, I'm a lazy typer, so this shorthand also works.
let list = ["blue";"red";"green"]To concatenate two lists, use the @ symbol
let list = ["blue";"red";]@["yellow";"green"]
To bring out some of the power of F# you can also create lists using comprehensions:
So, on to the first function! List.append: This function returns a new list from two lists that are passed to the function in the order they are passed. The method signature of append islet numbers = [1 .. 10] = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10] let chars = ['a' .. 'f'] = ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'; 'e'; 'f'] let cubes = [ for x in 1 .. 5 -> x * x * x] = [1; 8; 27; 64; 125]
'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
A little on the signature, List.append first and second arguments are of type 'a list and returns 'a list (remember 'a is how the compiler infers a generic type.)
combined = [2;4;6;8;10;1;3;5;7;9;] Lets take a look at how this function is implemented:let list1 = [2 .. +2 .. 10] let list2 = [1 .. +2 ..9] let appended= List.append list1 list2
let append l1 l2 = l1 @ l2List.exists: Tests if any element in the list statisy the given predicate. (A predicate is a statement that returns true or false.) The signature of exists is ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool.
('a -> bool) is the function that applies the predicate to item 'a 'a -> list is your list bool is the return valueHere's an example:
Lists.exists under the covers is:[<Test>] member t.Listexists() = let list1 = ["The";"quick";"brown";"fox";"jumped";"over";"the";"lazy";"dog"] let answer = List.exists (fun x -> x = "fox") list1 let wrong = List.exists (fun x -> x = "Fox") list1 Assert.IsTrue(answer) Assert.IsFalse(wrong)
let rec exists f l1 = Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.exists f l1
The signature of Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.exists is the same of the List.exists function
Here we the first use if the rec keyword. Rec stands for recursion, which means this function calls itself. F# recursion is a core concept, it works with lists by getting the head which is the first element and the tail which is the rest of the list, so until tail is empty [], the function will be called with each element in the list.
Lists.exists2: Same as List.exists, but works with two lists. If the lists don't match in length, it throws an Invalid_ArgumentException. Exists2 signature is: ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> bool.Here's an example:('a -> 'b -> bool) is the function that applies the predicate to item 'a and item 'b 'a -> list is your first list 'b -> list is your second list bool is the return value
List.exists2 under the covers:[<Test>] member t.Listexists2() = let list1 = ["The";"quick";"brown";"fox";"jumped";"over";"the";"lazy";"dog"] let list2 = ["Some";"other";"thing";" ";"jumped";"around";"another";"restless";"mammal"] let list3 = ["Some";"other";"thing";"Jumped";"winking";"around";"another";"tired";"mammal"] let answer = List.exists2 (fun x y -> x = y) list1 list2 let wrong = List.exists2 (fun x y -> x = y) list1 list3 Assert.IsTrue(answer) Assert.IsFalse(wrong) [<Test;expectedexception(type Invalid_argumentException)>] member t.Listexists2exception() = let list1 = ["The";"quick";"brown";"fox";"jumped";"over";"the";"lazy";"dog"] let list2 = ["Some";"other";"thing";"jumped";"around";"another";"restless";"mammal"] let answer = List.exists2 (fun x y -> x = y) list1 list2 Assert.IsTrue(answer)
Ahh - the rec keyword again, but this time paired with match. Match is F# pattern matching. The match statement is working with each list, the first condition [],[] says if both lists are empty then return false. The (h1::t1),(h2::t2) -> f ht h2 exists2 f t1 t2 gets the head and tail for each list and applies the function to h1 and h2 then passes the function and the rest of each list back to exists. The _ character basically is a wildcard to catch everything else. List.filter: Returns a new list that only contains the elements that the given predicate returns true. The signature ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list.let rec exists2 f l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with | [],[] -> false | (h1::t1),(h2::t2) -> f h1 h2 exists2 f t1 t2 | _ -> invalid_arg "exists2"
Here's an example:('a -> bool) = the function that each element is applied to the predicate 'a list = the list supplied to List.filter 'a list = the new list
So what's happening internally?[<Test>] member t.Listfilter() = let list1 = [1 .. 10] let list2 = List.filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) list1 Assert.AreEqual([2 .. +2 .. 10],list2)
let filter f x = Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.filter f xThe signature for Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.Lists.filter function is the same for List.filter. List.find: Returns the element in the list where the given predicate returns true. Throws a Not_Found exception if no element is found. The signature is: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a.
('a -> bool) the function to evaluate 'a 'a list = the list to work with 'a = the return value
Here's an example:
Internally, what is implemented is once again our rec and match expressions![<Test>] member t.ListFindTest() = let list = [1 .. 9] let a = List.find (fun x -> x = 2) list Assert.AreEqual(a,2)
The find function takes a function and the list, checks for an empty list if it's empty then throw a not_found() exception, otherwise get the head and tail. Apply the value in h to the function, if it's true, it returns h, otherwise pass the function and the tail back to find. You again see here the power of functional languages core functions of rec, match and list processing. Being able to get the first element in a list with simply stating h::t; what a change from having to enumerate lists with for or foreach loops! Lind.find_all: Returns a new list of all the elements where the given predicate returns true. The signature is ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list.let rec find f l = match l with [] -> not_found() ¦ h::t -> if f h then h else find f t
Here's an example:('a -> bool) the function to evaluate 'a 'a list = the list to work with 'a list = the new list with all the elements that met the predicate
Behind the scenes List.find_all implements:[<Test>] member t.ListFind_All() = let list = [1;2;3;5;7;11;13;16;17;19;23] let evens = List.find_all (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) list Assert.AreEqual([2;16;],evens)
let find_all f x = Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.filter f xWhich is the same method that List.filter uses! List.partition: This is an interesting function, it splits a list based on the predicate, the first is contains all elements that return true, the second list is all the elements that return false. The signature is: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list.
The 'a list * 'a list signature identifies a tuple, not multiplication. The returned list contains two lists. Here's an example:('a -> bool) the function to evaluate each element 'a list - the source list 'a list * 'a list - the returned list that contains a tuple of the elements.
With F# you can add on the identifiers like such:let list = [1;2;3;5;7;11;13;16;17;19;23] let newlist = List.partition (fun x -> x % 2) list newlist = ([2; 16], [1; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23])
Wow! The partition function returns a list of tuples, which the let statement is asking for each identifier to get one. By separating the identifiers by commas, it tells the compiler to assign one of the tuple values to each of the identifiers. If I enter the following statement into fsilet list1,list2 = List.partition (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) list list1 = [2;,16;] list2 = [1; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23]
Under the covers List.partiation uses:let list1, list2,list3 = List.partition (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) list -------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stdin(8,25): error: FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a 'a * 'b * 'c but given a 'd list * 'd list. The tuples have different lengths
let partition p x = Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.partition p xEnough for now, comments and feedback are welcome!
Is this even valid F#..? The "Test" keyword isn't recognized by XUnit and member's need to be part of a type. Why not post the whole code?
member t.Listfilter() =
let list1 = [1 .. 10]
let list2 = List.filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) list1
Assert.AreEqual([2 .. +2 .. 10],list2)
Hi, the [<Test>] is the NUnit attribute. Check this post to get it running in your code.
Testing with tools
(You have to watch for the formatting, sorry about that.)
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